
cancer survivors are the stars at the fashion show Tough Enough

Gateway Center at New Mexico State University Pan never looked better. Thursday "NMSU Aggies are tough enough to Wear Pink" fashion show and luncheon filled with energy, most of which came from 50 models - all of them were cancer survivors strutted and danced on. Stage, which lasted from the north end of the hall floor at the south end. these beautiful women, stirred all smiled the dynamic world, each full of life, and the sold-out audience, the sixth annual event. Prada Outlet California "There are 800 of you in this room," said Gary Kroeger, master of ceremonies for the dinner. "Ninety-nine percent of them are women." Packed unveiled the latest fashions for women's boutique Emerald Isle. But it was clearly the models that have this feature. They were survivors of cancer at 30 years for women undergoing treatment for cancer. "It was such a positive energy between us all the survivors," said Christina Palma, a model that recently started chemotherapy after being diagnosed with stage IV metastatic breast cancer. "Said energy was strongly feel that you could taste it." This is the kind of energy Palma could now actually use. Expands the cancer is inoperable. Even if they crossed the bridge with ease and grace, Palma had a walker to move afterwards. But in spite of his physical limitations, the smile remained on his face. Palma spoke softly, and was pleasantly optimistic. "This kind of support is very important," she said. "I get all the time from my husband, it keeps me boost. Course, it is time that I could be there, but I try not to let to get me. "We will continue to fight the good fight." There is much to say, to have a positive attitude, and 76 years, Mary Lacy is proof. She graduated from medical treatment for cancer two weeks ago and looked great. "With a positive attitude is absolutely critical," said Lacy, "It keeps you motivated, it can -. And does - have a huge impact on your recovery this can be very important, because the cancer can be frightening, because everything that is uncontrollable . ". The hardest part of cancer treatment Lacy, a former dance teacher, was the loss of energy which they lived. A life constantly active abruptly changed, at least in part because of the treatment they had to endure. But while Lacy body was weakened, has not his mind. As Palma Lacy has a separate decision on the confiscation. "I fight. I'm sure," said Lacy, referring to cancer and quality of life in the future. "My forecast is still followed with my oncologist. All tests, all results of radiotherapy were positive. I'll take that. Mir is not realize all this (recovery) is done overnight. " With his close friend, June Mazzolini Jenkins - who is also a cancer survivor, Lacy also support other women with breast cancer is involved. "I want to form a support group for Hispanic women, so that they can hope to provide a better education, a better understanding of what to include," said Lacy. "I wish I could speak to the women one-on-one to cancer." Mazzolini Jenkins also wants his knowledge and experiences with women of all ages who want to do with cancer. "I've been through this for years," said Jenkins Mazzolini who also modeled Thursday. "I'm one of them, too, and I would love to help other women, if I can." One particular poignant article in the series, titled "In Memoriam," said 14 models, including three men walking in memory of loved ones who have lost the battle against cancer. They held signs with pictures of their loved ones as they walked across the stage as the song "Wind Beneath My Wings" played. The lobby is and southeast of the Pan Am was a sea of ??activity with the "Shop for the Cure" shops that do business catchy. "It's phenomenal," said Kim Barnett, director of the Las Cruces Barnett Harley-Davidson, the sale of his company for the event logged. "This is the first time we did this, and they (the organizers) to say they need a bigger place to do it - bigger than the Pan American Center -. This is a good problem to have" "NMSU Aggies are tough enough to wear pink" a group of volunteers is dedicated to raising awareness of breast cancer and Las Cruces Cowboys funds for cancer research. After all cash operating expenses TETWP C4CR and endowment policies to NMSU and the University of Central New Mexico Cancer Research research collaboration for cancer funds are invested.

