
A hero tale meets the luxury of Hermes

  Sit under the signature silk scarves handbags meticulously handmade in the windows of the great Hermes boutique Syntagma Square in Athens brought Zafeiris Kontopitharos looks confused.

This is not the world of French luxury in the center of the fictional plot, but the reality itself, the elusive day environment.

The name of the plant is "Fairytales ordinary" and stars Zafeiris Kontopitharos the thoughtful protagonist in the story of the same by the Greek architect artist Philip Photiadis (originally published in 2011 by Editions Milito's) name written, together with the children French landmark store "home" for the central Athens Hermes.

Once a year, the luxury company selects and loads a Greek artist bring his own vision of the brand store Syntagma Square, which is located in the shopping complex Citilink. In "normal Tales" Zafeiris Kontopitharos is thrown from a variety of ordinary people who develop their own microcosms of living with refined accessories and objects around them.

"Kontopitharos is a character who is more or less living in his own world, in compliance with the Hermes elements and reality in general. It's really not understand this reality, while at the same time be in the same condition, brand products joy of Hermes microcosms, "said Photiadis, co-founder of our design studio, in an interview with Kathimerini English Edition.

Wood and cardboard are the most important commodities in the parallel universe of fun and cheerful "Fairytale usual." The system is based on a one-dimensional materials are based, while the small colored box with Hermes china cups and stylish sandals, among other things, create an antithesis to the display scale compositions.

"On the one hand, the life we ​​lead is incomprehensible, while on the other, small boxes are happy and having fun," said Photiadis. "In times of crisis, their problems, people are not in the mood to be reminded constantly. For example, if you go to the theater, you would see quite a comedy."

Be Zafeiris Kontopitharos watch Hermes Visitors to the store and the other residents of the city Saturday, 15th June.

