
16K fake Hermes bags rounded destroyed Riverside

There is a lot of money just to get in the Marche Tin mode. Hermes Garden Party Tote For example - Hermes handbags. Riverside authorities collected more than 16,000 fake Hermes bags , all illegally imported from Asia. Tight, it can be difficult to make a real Hermes Birkin of an imitation versions . But all handbags on display at camp Riverfront Thursday were wrong. " Our officers through the various internal systems we have and brand owners are trained to look for the types of things and these anomalies ," said Elva Muneton with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Since June Customs officials seized and preservation of the U.S. border more than 16,000 scholarships injury nine different importers. The items are all in Port Angeles - Long Beach, Sea Los entered China and Hong Kong. Hermes Evelyne Muneton said the bags probably finish the exchange meetings or small shops of downtown Los Angeles. Authentic Hermes bags cost thousands to own . These bags were real, it would worth more than $ 200 million. Customs officials say that these fakes have reached over $ 300,000 on the street. " Honestly, I mean, if you know what a real Hermes bag costs think and know when you buy something , you probably know that you are buying a fake ," said Muneton . Looking for importers of fake pockets to pay high fines. " The amount of the penalty that goes with the importation of counterfeit goods is pretty much calculated on the retail price of the goods. For example , while it is about 210 million, so that the penalties are assessed , will amount to something of this amount " , Muneton said. This Hermes look-a -likes will not would depend on the arm of buyers. Instead,Hermes Evelyne Bags they will be destroyed .

