'leads Bollywood fashion, even in small towns "
The students of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A) on Friday caught a glimpse of the fashion retail in the small towns of India.
Aniruddh Deshmukh, President of the textile and retail, Raymond, the lot of the graduate program for executives addressed in the lecture series IIMA. It was held by the 85 students in the management of full-time one-year program. Deshmukh opened the meeting by saying that "the rich and the poor work in the workshop of Raymond as proud."
Deshmukh said Raymond thrust detailed fashion in a small town in India and the opening of stores in different cities. He provided the class with anecdotes from his own experience with customers, dealers and franchisees across the country. He conceded Bollywood as a pioneer, especially in small towns, citing "striking colors" as a recent example.
"Raymond passion for fashion with their partners as the main distribution model of success for Girls" ingredient Deshmukh said, during which Raymond cooperation with other actors in the distribution of cars in small towns.
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