Cheryl Cole talks about turning 30, body image, unconditional love and with the parties to the review notebook
What is more annoying than the most beautiful woman in the world come to?
Well, you try to hit if you just stumbled out of a 6:00 flight, your hair and your fear is chic dress is packed in a suitcase.
We at Cannes - we get - to walk the red carpet with Cheryl Cole.
We also get a look behind the scenes with the official L'Oreal Paris makeup sponsors of the festival, who are busy ensuring their most famous muse seems perfect.
These options typically include delays of five hours, it's a shock, after Cheryl be called a few minutes after his arrival at his swishy Sea beach. She is running early.
Cue a frantic change of costumes in the Ladies Loos and application of delicate red lips at the last minute, because we can not in our Scruffs.
We are even more scared than the American glam beside us in lifting drawls, "Beautiful dress, sweetheart." It's just flippin Jane Fonda. (We are in Cannes. Did we mention that?)
It is a comfort, then in the bathtub Cheryl and discover that we are not alone in the vibrations.
You'll never guess to look - in person, Cheryl is the smallest prime - but they told us that they are run in his trembling Miu Miu heels on the idea of the red carpet.
"I'm still nervous, she said confesses." First time I have I was in Cannes component. I thought, "What if no one wants to take my picture" It is so scary because you never know when you stumble And I do not think that they please stop taking pictures? ..
We would say that this is unlikely.
Cheryl lives was followed by a lens over a decade, and our obsession with it shows no signs of abating. Girl bander in the Lone Star on TV talent judge, he was a teacher for 10 years in multi-tasking.
His private life - and she wants it to remain private - remains a subject of endless speculation.
One thing we know: It's a new chapter for Cheryl.
With Girls Aloud behind her, she is her own woman again, and it's a big step to celebrate ...
To turn 30 this month.
Yes! I'm excited! I need to start planning my party. Not just a part. I think three or four.
Are you turning 30 feel grown up?
Absolutely. I feel like I've lived a lot for my age. I deserve to be 30th I'm ready for it.
Are you worried about getting older?
I'm not. I have great models to my mother and my family. All botoxing and surgery is like what? You do not understand, they do not like. My mother took me back to normality. I said to her: "Can you believe that your daughter will be 30 and they like?" So what? They were 20, now you will be 30th "There is a refreshing part of the mind, as life goes, people age.
So, if you told your mother bought her Botox for your 30 Birthday?
You would be crazy. We earn our wrinkles. It is the character map of your life. I have not, but if they show no wrinkles, I'm sure I've lived enough to earn it.
So are you ready to join the club ... 30
Yeah! Flirty 30 years, I'm here. Thirty-licious. Kimberley Walsh is already there, Sarah Harding is already there. I can not wait to get into this club Thirty-licious hardly.
What is your biggest birthday wish?
I am very happy to wish for something. Honest. I just hope that my friends give me some beautiful gifts. I never ask for Christmas or birthday gifts, but I'm 30 years old and this time they have Cango all directions.
What is on your list?
I saw beautiful Valentino shoes I want. And some beautiful makeup bags ...
And we're talking designer? If someone thought jumping boots.
[Laughs] Yeah, maybe Louis Vuitton, Alexander McQueen. Any way there. You do not have to worry that it's too flashy. As the next will not be until I was 40 and they have to save 10 years.
You feel more comfortable in your skin aging while you?
Yes. And you know what, I knew what would happen, because I always think of women in their 30s and: "That's when the most beautiful women, their sexier, more confident are This is what I aspire to become and now I am. also here. I feel like, 'Cool, I can relax now.
How do you decide what to wear to an event like Cannes?
I only change if I judge in the room where everyone was sitting and I get their response. If they move up and continue on SMS I do not think that one then. Sometimes they will say, 'Oh, Nice'. When I hear these words, I know that this is definitely not one. Nice is not what I'll do. But when I walk and everyone just goes, 'Wow,' I know I've found one.
If you have nervous habits before the cameras?
I always feel shaky inside, but I saw when I thought, "You must be able to see my heart beating" and you can not. I have well hidden. But I always feel.
Who would you like to be trained to meet the star on the red carpet?
Beyonce. Certainly. I do not think I would have dared to have to walk anywhere in the vicinity. I think I came to admire, until she was out of sight. It is so breathtaking.
From the beginning, you always say to change your appearance?
Actually, it was not like that for us ...
This is unusual and good luck ...
I do not know if she was lucky, I could probably do with a bit more advice. I look back and think, 'Someone should have told me. Everyone has embarrassing photos, wished publicly documented for the rest of my life. My youth is to see the world, and it was not cool. But that's okay. And he turned 30 to feel better.
How can you ask a symbol of beauty, and the girls go to salons "a Cheryl?
[Truly the words] Oh dear ... I honestly do not know what to say. It's just that ... I do not know! It's so funny.
Do you have a full-time hairdresser, because you're worth it?
[Laughs] I wish! That would be a good birthday gift.
Secrets red carpet beauty Cheryl
What are your tips for building confidence of the body?
I feel better with a tan. I held my head in holiday tan with L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Express Pro in Dark - a beautiful natural color and fog, so I can do it myself.
How do you show your figure for the cameras?
I like to wear a long dress with a ball on the back. I will do more than my legs.
They are not keen on the legs?
I worked a lot on them. That was my problem area in my 20 years, but I'm happy with my body.
Their signature red carpet is a smoky eye makeup, but what you use when you want to mix?
J'adore L'Oreal Glam Shine splash stain to add a splash of color on my lips - it looks like a brilliant, but remains in place as a lip stain. Fresh and easy to wear.
And finally ...
She is happy in life?
[Cheryl gets visibly cute] My dogs. They are happy to see me all the time and I do not have to do something to make them happy. You like from my make-up, make-up. I feed them, give them a treat and they love me. This is unconditional love.
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Well, if you Cheryl Cole, a pair of shoes, Valentino, apparently ...
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