
faith. Costs. Fly. Parade of Faith Fellowship Church advantages Downtown Rescue Mission

  Huntsville, Alabama - When Christians to show their style, it should not be plain and boring, the Rev. Troy Garner, says the pastor of Faith Fellowship Baptist Church, 3703 N. Memorial Parkway in Huntsville.

"We are the children of the king," Garner said Wednesday at a meeting with some of the men and women modeling clothes fashion show Saturday evening benefit Downtown Rescue Mission in Huntsville will be. "So if we are children of the King, we want to look good."

Looks good, whether in everyday clothes, outfits from thrift stores in the area, local urban designers, or rather Sunday, the focus be Saturday, 27 is April 2013, at 07.00 clock, with "Faith.Fresh.Fly." of the Church.

Suggested donation for admission to the show is $ 15 at the door, with the preferred option of $ 20 seats, if still available.

In the run suggested minimum donation is $ 10 general admission and $ 15 preferred seating.

Tickets are available in advance at the bar-style 2601 Leeman Ferry Road Suite C Huntsville, a business owned by Natasha Langford is ready for some outfits for the models in the series, the church itself at 3703 N. Memorial Parkway in Huntsville and the FaithFreshFly EventBrite.com place for the event.

The proceeds from the show will go to the Rescue Mission downtown.

With Prime Dexter Faith Fellowship was voluntarily in the rescue mission.

"You need more money and personnel," Strong said. "And we are looking for ways to galvanize young adults and provide opportunities to give back, can look to their community."

And given the "avant-garde" as Strong puts, types of youth exchanges and local resources to become a fashion to produce professional level, by one evening to celebrate the good taste, fine clothing is a popular idea among the management team.

Students involved in the modeling Troop Ward, is an organization on the campus of Alabama A & M University, among the 31 people modeling clothes.

 Music on the Rocks is live music between transitions, and passed between the two, Stark said, people are invited to consider how they looked dressed in little more than the clothes - dress just offered Christians.

"This is to help the community on evangelism," Stark said. "We are always looking for ways to reach people."

